
Plucking your eyebrows has never been so easy thanks to Champneys Illuminated Tweezers, Clari Tweeze and TweezLight .

publication date: Sep 11, 2007
author/source: Anne Coates
Tidy eyebrows can do wonders for your looks  - they should be a beautiful frame for your eyes  - and a quick pluck can make you look instantly more  well-groomed and take years off your face.

These new tweezers - Champneys Illuminated Tweezers, Clari Tweeze and TweezLight - make it easy to focus on the area you are plucking - with precision! Each set of tweezers performed well.

Clari Tweez is ergonomically designed and also has a (x2) magnifying lens attached plus comes with a carry-pouch and an eyebrow shaping brush. I found these marginally stiffer to use but I improved with practice!

Champneys Illuminated Tweezers come in a mirrored lipstick-style case which is perfect for travelling and plucking on the go. I thought these were great to keep in your handbag.

TweezLight are similar in design to Champneys but come in a larger carry-case that’s ideal for the bathroom or dressing-table – no more searching around for your tweezers hidden at the bottom of a make-up bag.

Availability and price
Clari Tweez  £7.99, from Boots, Woolworths and online at
Champneys Illuminated Tweezers £10, Sainsbury
TweezLight, £9.99 from Amirose International on 020 8559 8244 or on line at