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Britax Smile

publication date: Jun 10, 2015
author/source: Anne Coates

Britax SmileThe all-new, sleek and practical Britax Smile is the ideal every day pushchair for busy parents on the go. Designed with modern families in mind, this cleverly crafted stroller provides parents with the freedom to look and feel great whilst having a pushchair to support them on the move.

The Britax Smile is easy to assemble and only takes a few minutes. Then you have a Rolls Royce among strollers. Like Rolls Royces it is larger than some other lightweight buggies but it is easy to manoeuvre and your baby or toddler will feel safe and snug. It also has an adjustable handle so taller people will also feel comfortable pushing it. My personal favourite is the rearward facing option so you can chat away to your little one and see her reaction.

The Britax Smile features:

  • a spacious shopping basket 
  • 3M Scotchlite™ reflective stripes on the basket meaning the stroller can easily be spotted by other pedestrians and cars in low light
  • air filled rear wheels ensure a comfortable and smooth ride, even on bumpier surfaces
  • multi-position recline, including forward and rearward facing seating options
  • ventilation window in the hood that will keep children comfortable on warm and sunny days.

The Britax Smile comes with a matching carrycot, which can easily be attached to the stroller using the integrated Click & Go® adaptors, making it suitable from birth to approximately three years old (up to 17kg). The adaptors are also compatible with the award-winning BABY-SAFE plus SHR II infant carrier, which was given a Best Buy status by consumer testing experts, Which?.

New PWT member and mum-to-be Kathryn Mayle was looking for a stroller which is lightweight, easy to manipulate and fold plus could see them through from new born to toddler. 

"We then started reading reviews online. The Britax Smile consistently gets good reviews and ticks all the above boxes."

PWT rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

The Britax Smile is now available from leading nursery retailers at an RRP of £590, inclusive of carrycot, in Black, Navy, Red and Silver.