One of the many products that BRITAX
makes very well is this child bike seat. The Jockey Comfort is sturdy and protects the
child well as she is enclosed and strapped in securely.
Harriet gets very
excited when she sees her flowery yellow helmet coming out of the cupboard and
is delighted to be strapped on to the back of my bike and "take-off". I didn't think she'd be so keen! Her
giggles and singing are slightly distracting, so I spent time cycling
around the park, which also enabled me to get used to the change in weight of
the bike.
The harness is so easy to use, as
it goes over the head and plugs into the catch in between the child's legs,
which also enables a quick and easy transition on and off the bike.
Other features:
Extra large spoke cover
Single-handed backres adjustment
Single-handed headrest adjutment with nine height positions
Reversible cover
Multi-adjustable footrests
The Jockey Comfort seat is not cheap (however it
is a pretty standard price for child seat), but I consider it excellent value
for money as the seat fits perfectly onto the back of my bike and my daughter,
Harriet, is so comfortable and content sitting in it.
Also the Jockey Comfort is suitable
from nine months to four years ( nine to 22kg) so it is
worth its weight in gold if you are going to use it regularly, and most child
bike seats do not cater for such a wide age range.