Recent Articles in Books: children & YA
Cook with Kids by Rob Kirby
Oct 20, 2011
Soon to be seven, Toby proved to be a master chef using recipes from Cook with Kids to make a delicious birthday tea for his granny, as Alex Bell reports.
The LEGO® Ideas Book by Daniel Lipkowitz
Oct 13, 2011
What do you do with the huge box of Lego bricks and pieces you've acquired? The LEGO® Ideas Book from Dorling Kindersley gives you the answer with over 500 ideas to keep you going and inspire you.
Lost in London by Fin & Zoa
Oct 5, 2011
Illustrated by Monika Suska, The Dog Detectives Lost in London offers young readers the chance to help Jack and Poco Loco solve the riddle of the missing ravens...
Please Bear's Birthday
Sep 27, 2011
Another in the Nice Bear Naughty Bear story series, Please Bear's Birthday is a charming book to encourage good manners written by Diana Mather and Avril Lethbridge with illustrations by Mary-Ann Mackenzie and published by Maverick Arts Publishing.
The Fearsome Beastie and Mrs MacCready Was Ever So Greedy
Jul 22, 2011
Harriet Elliott and her boys review two of the latest titles from Maverick Books: The Fearsome Beastie by Giles Paley-Phillips and Mrs MacCready Was Ever So Greedy buy Julie Fulton. Plus Parenting Without Tears has six copies of each book to be won.
Mother Knows Best! by Jill Murphy
Jul 16, 2011
Published by Puffin Books, Jill Murphy's latest book for young children is aptly titled Mother Knows Best! writes Anne Coates.
Priddy Books for infants and pre-schoolers
Jun 21, 2011
Georgina Collins takes a look at a selection of Priddy books: My Little Pocket Library – My Year, Wipe Clean, Early Learning Fun – Dinosaurs, Let's Go Learning – Number Puzzles and Sticker Activity Book – Fairy Tales – all of which she highly recommends.
Amazing Cows! by Sandra Boynton
Jun 6, 2011
Sandra Boynton's books are huge fun and Amazing Cows! is a great book for young, independent readers (and their parents!) as Toby and Alex Bell discovered.
Win a copy of Applying to University The Essential Guide by Anne Coates
May 18, 2011
Published by Need-2-Know and updated for 2011 applicants, Parenting Without Tears has ten copies of Applying to University The Essential Guide to be won.
How Big Is the Lion? by William Accorsi
Apr 19, 2011
Emily Elias reviews William Accorsi's book subtitled My First Book of Measuring from Workman Publishing with the help of her son, Sam.
Collins Big Cat reading series
Apr 12, 2011
Emily Elias and her children have been reading some of the Collins Big Cat titles: Animals on the Move, Life Cycles, Cave Wars and Mind the Gap.
Perfect Piggies by Sandra Boyton
Apr 3, 2011
Workman Publishing produces some fabulous books for children and Perfect Piggies by Sandra Boynton is no exception, writes Anne Coates.