Recent Articles in Books: children & YA
Talking and reading to babies
Mar 30, 2011
Talking, listening and responding to a baby is vital to give her the stimulation needed for her development. Using books is an excellent way for an adult to achieve this.
Papertoy Monsters by Brian Castleforte
Mar 15, 2011
Louise Pollard's children discovered the delights of making papertoys during half term with Brian Castleforte's Papertoy Monsters.
Dead Man's Cove wins 2011 Blue Peter Book of the Year
Mar 1, 2011
The first book in Lauren St John's Laura Marlin series, Dead Man's Cove has won the Blue Peter Book of the Year Award 2011.
Amazing Book of Cards by Joshua Jay
Feb 14, 2011
Sue O'Neill went throught Joshua Jay's Amazing Book of Cards with her 11 year old son, Mattie and was fascinated by what the book revealed
Jan 30, 2011
David Wood's version of the much-loved classic Cinderella from Collins Big Cat series has been a huge success with Alex Bell's family with Toby reading to his younger sister, Pippa.
Find Another Way by Daryll Scott
Jan 26, 2011
Published by Soap Box Books and illustrated by Rachel Baker, Daryll Scott's first children's book, Find Another Way, is great for helping children – and parents! – to see problems in a different light and to solve them creatively.
You Are What You Eat: and Other Mealtime Hazards by Serge Bloch
Dec 23, 2010
Published by Sterling, Serge Bloch's latest book, You Are What You Eat is a fabulous way of getting children talking about food and food metaphors, writes Anne Coates.
Where on Earth? Geography without the boring bits by Jim Doyle
Dec 13, 2010
Published by Michael O'Mara Books, Where on Earth? claims to be a geography book with a difference – what did Harvey Edginton make of it?
Beautiful Oops! by Barney Saltzberg
Nov 24, 2010
Workman Publishing has excelled once again with Barney Salzberg's Beautiful Oops! writes Anne Coates.
A drove of bullocks and A filth of starlings
Oct 12, 2010
Alex Bell reviews two titles from PatrickGeorge: A drove of bullocks and A filfth of starlings.
A Little Book of Alliterations by Felix Arthur
Sep 23, 2010
Published by Inside Pocket and illustrated by Jenny Capon, Felix Arthur's A Little Book of Alliterations is a treasure trove which will delight young children as well as more accomplished readers, writes Anne Coates.
Shortlist for the Roald Dahl Funny Prize 2010
Sep 17, 2010
The Roald Dahl Funny Prize was founded in 2008 by Michael Rosen as part of his Children’s Laureateship. It is the first prize of its kind; founded to honour those books that simply make children laugh. Here are the 12 books shortlisted for under sixs and under 14s.