publication date: Jan 7, 2011
People with
cancer have high
energy bills as they
feel the cold more and often spend
long periods of time at home during
treatment or
recovery. This comes at a time when their
income usually
drops because they’re not
working. Macmillan Cancer Support is hoping to
raise awareness of this issue through our new digital
Infi-knit project. All people need to do is tell
Infi-knit, their
knitting machine, what makes them
feel warm and their bit of
pattern will be
knitted into an actual
scarf. Web cams record the
Infi-knit carrying out its
unique stitch, so people can watch their bit of
woolly petition being created.
sign up and support the campaign.
Macmillan Cancer Support will be presenting the
super-sized scarf petition to the government so they can't ignore their
campaign against
fuel poverty.